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Starting out your own home storage?  The list you'll be making is yours and should be made up of food you and your family already eats.  A time where you'd need the back up food isn't a time you'd like to test to see if you're allergic to something, or get stomach issues from it. The following doesn't include non-food items.

Also note that these items below are with long shelf lifes and aren't refrigerated or frozen.  Suggested percentages as followed.

15% Protein base, 35% grains, 19% Vegetables, 19% Fruits, 10% Dairy, 2% other (food group)

Grains: Rice, oatmeal, pasta (some are gluten free), cereal, food bars, taco shells, certain crackers are whole grains 

Protein: Peanut butter, nuts, black beans, lentils, pinto beans, soybeans, dehydrated eggs, jerky, tuna, canned meats

Dairy: Dry milk, cheese powders, chocolate milk

Fruits: Applesauce, cherries, mandarin oranges, pineapple, raisins, cranberry, banana chips (cans), fruit snacks, jelly (try to get the real deal and not just 90% sugar...)

Vegetables: Corn, pumpkins, squash, yams, and other (cans)

Other: Honey, Salt, syrup, spices such as ginger, cinnamon, basil, peanut M&Ms, perhaps Dark Chocolate for a good energy booster!

Home Storage

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