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Prepared Minimalist
One's mentality to be ready for the unknown.
One's choice to live with less in exchange for freedom.
Snake Bites
North America has two types of venomous snakes...Pit Vipers, and Coral Snakes... and two types of venomous lizards... the gila monster and the beaded lizard. Usually it takes several hours to kill someone and the correct anti-venom can save your life.
DO NOT: Cut the skin or the wound around the bite, tie anything tight around the bite, put ice on or around the bite, shock the person with electricity, try to suck the blood or venom out of the bite...
DO NOT move the bitten part since that quickens the spread
DO - Remove jewelry because swelling can spread rapidly
DO - Wrap the bitten area with a wide elastic bandage or clean cloth tightly but not too tight you can't feel the pulse
DO - Wind the ban age up the entire limb and splint the area to prevent movementMedical treatment is highly recommenced but if you can't (due to an emergency), and you have the anti venom on hand you can do so.
If you see two larger hole fang marks and two U shapes smaller holes, the chance of it being poisonous is EXTREMELY HIGH. If you see just two U shapes smaller holes, it's most likely NOT poisonous.
Don't put hands in small holes.... Wear long hiking boots and pants to protect legs.
The only 'recommended' suction system (if you decide to use one) is called Sawyers: The Extractor for Snake, Bee, Spider and Other Bites. I have never used it and personally wouldn't recommend using one at all, but I hear good things of it of the people who used it.
Bee Stings
Spider Bites
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