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    Why do most people start off with a Bug Out Bag (B.O.B), and what's the point? Leaving your home is usually the last resort anyways...
    I would say a bag in general... more or less what a Bug Out Bag (B.O.B) is, should be ranked as a feasible first material item step. HOWEVER, if you don't know anything about it, this can be a very costly and dangerous step. (A 50lb backpack made up of $5,000 isn't going to necessarily aid you better than my 15lb bag, and would give a false sense of security to those who make it. Can you even run with your bag a couple miles if need be?) More so, if your bug out bag is actually made correctly, this thing should help you stay alive for over 72 hours, and I don't know of any rules saying you can't use your bag at home if you plan to stay. You'd be surprised and the amount of items you'd need to live a month with (with of course some type of water and food around you). Now, who is to say that you only use this bag for the shit hits the fan (SHTF) day? I use my pack about every day, or at least it's very close to me every day. Reasons?
1. Most often, a crisis isn't going to happen when you are at home next to your B.O.B anyways.
2. If you don't test your items, you don't know if they will help you when you need.
3. If you don't regularly use your items, or have no knowledge on how to use a certain item like a compass... Well you just wasted space and weight. Learning something in a high stress time won't work too well.  

    If you use a consumable item, make sure to replace anything you eat, drink or use the same day to make sure you have everything on stock. For consumables or first aid, I go to my EDC items first before touching the bag since I have a big list of items in EDC as well, and my bag has many doubles of what's in my pockets. Usually the bag is within 500 feet of me, and more than likely I will be able to get to it with the stuff I have in my pockets to have a major boost reload in gear.

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